American Express Features Mark Holdreith’s M&A Advice for Founders in New Article

On January 19th, 2024 American Express (AMEX) published an article titled “Business Valuation: Importance, Formula and Examples” on the website. AMEX’s content production team reached out to Mark Holdreith, Co-Founder of Media Advisory Partners for guidance related to preparing a business for sale.

AMEX’s interview of Mark features prominently in the article. Mark explained that business-founders should prepare their business for sale far in advance of actually selling.


Mark argues that preparing your business for sale early creates a positive feed-back loop for founders. By ensuring that a company’s financial statements, legal-risk, and customer relationships are all in-order for a future sale, founders also increase the present performance and value of their business.  According to Mark, having a “better understanding of the factors that drive value can help owners prepare for a sale… and improve business operations and performance in the meantime.” 

The article can be read using this link:

Mark Holdreith, Co-Founder of Media Advisory Partners


Steve Ennen has Joined Media Advisory Partners as an Advisory Director


Media Advisory Partners Client, Trivest Partners, Portfolio Company FROM, Bolsters Services Capabilities Through Transformational Acquisition of Algoworks